How vanlife started
Let’s tell you about how our vanlife journey started.
At a certain point in life you start to look at where you’re at, I guess. At least we did..
Both not having major career dreams, we started to wonder about life outside of our 9-5 jobs. Traveling more, working abroad or even moving to another country?
Moving or vanlife
After our 2 week trip to the Italian mountains in 2020, we decided that moving to one place in another country was not really the solution. We wanted to see more of the world, not settle in one place yet. So, we started thinking about vanlife.
This was August 2020 and in January 2021 we bought our van!

Plans for the future
We are just starting to create a life for ourselves that we truly love. The question about our future plans comes up a lot and it’s something we obviously think about. But, one thing about starting something new is that you never know how it will turn out.
We’d love to settle down in a beautiful place maybe a few years from now. Let’s see where our travels take us.
“Selling everything and quitting our jobs to travel the world,
is one of the best decisions we’ve ever made”